Crepin Nathalie

Crepin Nathalie - Postdoctoral fellow

Nathalie obtained her master’s degree in Geology at KU Leuven (Belgium). After 7 years as a Research Scientist at the diamond certification lab HRD Antwerp, she decided to pursue an additional academic career. In 2022, she received her PhD in Biochemistry and Biotechnology for her research on upstream regulation of the SnRK1 energy stress sensor in Arabidopsis thaliana in prof. dr. Filip Rolland’s lab at KU Leuven. In 2023, she joined the Mechanistic Molecular Biochemistry Group (KU Leuven), led by prof. dr. Shehab Ismail Mohamed, as a postdoctoral researcher where she worked on developing and characterizing a novel type of proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) that specifically targets RAS oncoproteins. Today she is a member of prof. dr. Geert De Jaeger's Functional Interactomics Group at VIB PSB (Ugent, Belgium), dedicating her postdoctoral research to unraveling the crosstalk between nitrogen starvation response and SnRK1 signaling in plants.